How to Choose the Right
Sports Car for You

02.11.2019 | MotorChief

So what is a "sports car" anyway? The first recorded use of the term was in 1928 but what does this term describe? Let's start by finding out what the dictionary has to say: "a vehicle, usually with space for two passengers designed to provide quick responses and is easy to maneuver and drive at high speed". One may choose to rephrase it to: "a vehicle whose main purpose is the pleasure of fierce driving".


How much you have to spend on a sports car is really where it all begins and ends. Starting out in the mid 20k for the latest sports cars models such as the 2019 Hyundai Veloster, 2018 TOYOTA 86, and 2018 MAZDA MX-5 MIATA, continuing to the luxurious sections such as the 2018 Porsche 911 Carrera for 90k or the Ferrari 812 Superfast going for 315k, the price tag can basically reach as much as your wallet can handle. However this adventure ends, it the end you might feel that it could've been better to wait a while and avoid missing the dream car. At the bottom line, there are not really many alternatives at similar prices: Each model, each country of origin, brings to the table a personal identity. The trick is to analyze the requirements in the first place so you will return home happy and satisfied.

New vs. Used

First of all, needs check-up; how are you actually going to use the vehicle? Do you need it for work, family trips? Am I a retired grandmother who drives her grandchildren every day to school and back and barely leaves my village? Or a salesperson who travels around the country for his work? Now that your wallet and the common sense have spoken, the next step is to decide whether you will be purchasing a brand new or a used and respected sports vehicle. Buying straight out of the factory certainly has its benefits. Latest safety gear and engineering improvements are surely a plus, however, a well-maintained sports car that was built to last can be an affordable self-present.


Determine what type of car you want to own according to your riding needs and personal preferences, be it an All American, big block muscle car, a hatchback for your cargo, a luxurious GT Sport series, two or four-door sedans for an entire adrenaline-loving family or a 2+2 designed for quick response, easy maneuverability, and high-speed driving to enjoy by yourself or a selected companion, or maybe even a convertible for those bright and sunny summer days.


Sports vehicles for daily driving are full of "compromises" such as safety accessories, comfortable seats, sound system, air conditioning, luggage compartment and more. The more "compromising" the vehicle, the less it is a "sports car" and something else, nevertheless it may be just as fun to drive every day as a taking a Lambo for a spin once a month. After deciding on the budget, the basic type of a sports car that fits you now it’s time to dig deeper into the specs and techs.

The sense of driving a sports car is completely different both in terms of feeling and safety aspect. There are sports cars that provide driving pleasure and strong performance, there are cars that excel in the second department even if they do not roam the winding mountain roads, you can still park them with great pride in front of the neighborhood cafe after a pleasure ride. Choose wisely and have fun!

To get assistance on choosing the right sports car for you, please use our step by step search.